Get in Touch

Writers and pubs, contact my agent Maeve Maclysaght:

Everyone else, contact me directly: (or use the form below)

Current availability:
covers, writing.

Unavailable for comics/interiors and private commissions.

Interviews & Appearances

I would love to be on your podcast, in an article, or at your event. If you’ve got a convention coming up that you’d like me to show up to, that counts too. Contact me directly using the form below to ask about my availability.

High school teachers, librarians, and college faculty: I book a number of class talks and Q&As every year, schedule permitting. I have a couple short lectures prepared for a fee, but if I don’t gotta do anything but show up and yap, usually I’ll do it pro-bono. We can talk about comics career stuff, gender & sexuality in art, do portfolio reviews, whatever you think would benefit your students most.

Please contact me directly using the form below if you’d like me to speak with your class.